When an entire community pulls together for a great cause, the results
are even greater than what one individual can achieve alone.

When you become an eXtraordinaryLIFE Partner, we will equip you with the tools necessary to improve the lives’ of families and individuals. Teens and young adults need direction, individuals and couples need sex addiction counseling, spouses of sex addicts need help desperately, and our home-bound seniors need someone to talk to about their fears and concerns.
We need your help, so please consider partnering with us today!

become a Volunteer

We need your help to raise awareness about our services. We also need volunteers to raise funds for daily operational expenses and program curriculum.  Together we can make a positive impact in our community! Call us today. 

By yourself, you’re unprotected. With a friend, you can face the worst. Can you round up a third?
A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 (MSG)

Become a LIFE Partner

eXtraordinaryLIFE Partners play a vital role in the community. We help individuals and families who need our services. When you become a LIFE Partner, together we save lives, marriages, and give direction and hope to the lost and those in despair. Join the ranks of donors and volunteers who make a difference in our community and in the world! Become a LIFE Partner!

eXtraordinaryLIFE Christian Counseling & Coaching
18525 W Lake Houston Pkwy, Humble, TX  77346 - Building Entrance #102
Bus.: 281.812.0783 | Cell: 281.441.9703 | Email: Contact@eXtraordinaryLIFE.us | Skype: eXtraordinary.LIFE